Veterans of the Cross • March 4 – 6, 2024
St. Stephen Christian Retreat Center
Titusville, Florida
Keynote • Rev. Ron & Mrs. Barb Pennekamp
Bible Study Leader • Rev. Craig Mathews
Devotional Leader • Rev. Tom Zehnder
Proclaimer • Rev. Dr. Victor Belton
Two nights, 6 meals
$475 per couple
$325 per person
$65 for commuter*
*includes lunch, dinner, and breaks
Please don’t let the fees discourage you from attending, please contact the FLGA District Office, and we will discreetly assist you as we are able.

Our Keynote Speakers, Rev. Ron Pennekamp, Emeritus, and CMR Mrs. Barb Pennekamp, Emeritus, will lead us through the two-and-a-half-day gathering. Leading us in Bible Study will be Rev. Craig Mathews, Intentional Interim Pastor serving at Redeemer Englewood, and the Concordia University guest is Rev. Dr. Roy Peterson, CFO of Concordia University Wisconsin & Ann Arbor. Rev. Dr. Victor Belton will serve as the Proclaimer for the worship service on Tuesday night, which is being hosted at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Titusville.
The theme this year is Pace for the Race. As people enter retirement, a major question one might ask is, ‘What does God want me to do with my remaining time in this world?’ This is critically important! Our theme verse is Hebrews 12:1, “And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”
We will gather Monday through Wednesday at St. Stephen’s, located on the Indian River. The renovated rooms are equipped with mini refrigerators, two double beds or a king, sidewalks throughout, a beautiful meeting facility, and on-property dining. The Florida-Georgia District has sponsored this gathering for retired professional church workers and their spouses for 43 years and recently expanded it to include active lay leaders.
This Retreat Center has upgraded rooms, better meeting facilities, and access to several local attractions that will provide participants with places to explore. The Kennedy Space Center is right across the river! A launch is NOT guaranteed, but if one is scheduled, those at the gathering will have a front-row seat.
Contact Ruth Weidenmann, Event Chair, or Kathy Keene, District Office, for more information or questions.