Kingdom Seed Investments are one-time mission start-up investments intended to help established congregations, existing ministries, and new starts begin new ministries which reach new people in new locations. Kingdom Seed Investments are to be used for outreach projects which are intended to be long-term and self-sustaining beyond the initial Kingdom Seed Investment.

For all the information about obtaining a Kingdom Seed Investment and to complete an application, click here.

What is the Missionary Pathway? This is a simple and repeatable disciple-making process designed to help you equip everyday Christians to share the gospel and make disciples in the places they live, work, learn, and play. Many Christians feel deeply passionate about their faith yet feel insecure, even uncertain, about how to share faith with friends and neighbors in a culture that is not interested in the church.

Click here to learn more and sign up today. 

I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.  So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” 1 Corinthians 3:6-7

Every Christian is a seed sower.  The Bible tells us that we plant the seeds of faith, the Holy Spirit does the rest. We’ve collected stories throughout the FLGA District – churches, individuals, youth groups, church leadership, & schools. 

Read them and be inspired to sow seeds in your own community.

The FLGA District offers zero percent interest Mission Loans to congregations who intend to start new mission work. These loans may be applied for up to $150,000 and are repayable for up to 20 years. Congregations wishing to apply for a Mission Loan will submit a mission plan, financial statements, and a statement of partnership with the District.

Applicants will need to consult with Dr. Peter Meier, Executive Director of Missions and Outreach, prior to applying.

Rev7:9 prays and labors to create a sense of urgency and hope as they build coalitions of ministries to inspire and equip pastors, leaders, and congregations to reach ethnic groups beyond their own. They provide resources and coaching to ensure the advance of God’s Kingdom on earth. Their prayer is congregations will be inspired to connect with REV7:9 to receive encouragement and equipping so that they begin reaching out in ways that will compel the Kingdom vision of a great, diverse multitude from all nations to become a reality in their local congregation.

Click here to learn more about REV7:9.

Click here to access FLGA District resources. 

The Kairos Network is a network dedicated to helping you share the unchanging gospel in an ever-changing world. Through training/cohorts, church planters and everyday Christians learn to plant the gospel and make disciples where they live, work, learn, and play.

Sign up today for the next Missionary Pathway Course! 

Every Christian is called by God to DO SOMETHING! To make disciples who make disciples… How do you see yourself fitting into Jesus’ call? 

  1. Pray.
  2. Raise Awareness.
  3. Financial Support.
  4. Contact Us.

For more information and to learn more, click here

Miracle Grow is a new mission program to gather stories of what God is doing through our congregations and schools, and share them.  To accomplish this, Miracle Grow will offer a seed investment of $300 to congregations and schools who engage in and share their outreach and mission activity stories, pictures, and videos. The goal is that the people of the FLGA District will learn, share ideas and concrete examples and celebrate God’s mission of connecting people to Jesus.  These stories will inspire others to work in their communities to connect people to Jesus.

For all the information about Miracle Grow and to complete an application, click here.

Become a FLGA Mission Prayer Partner!

Prayer is primary for mission action and results!  You are invited to partner
in prayer with the Florida-Georgia District, joining others in our District who
pray daily for God’s Mission. Discover the ways you can Partner in Prayer.

Join Dr. Peter Meier for Transformation Tuesdays, a Zoom discussion forum that covers a wide range of mission and outreach topics.  These discussions are held at 11 am (Eastern) on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month. Click Here to find out more here.

Registration is necessary to participate! Click here to register today. 

Have questions? Need answers? Feel free to contact:

Peter Meier

Executive Director | Missions & Outreach

Office 407-258-5051 Mobile 952-221-0362

Debbie Arrington

Executive Assistant | Missions & Outreach

Office 407-258-5052