The words of Jesus found in Mark 6:30-32 serve as the theme for this year’s District Pastors Conference:
“Come Away…Rest A While… Renew and Restore.”
We will gather for rest, renewal, and restoration as we spend time to be reacquainted, challenged to examine various aspects of ministry health (spiritual, relational, financial, etc.), and sent back invigorated for our tasks among the Lord’s people.
Please contact Kathy Keene if you are interested in attending.
Hilton Daytona Beach Oceanfront Resort
If you have not made your reservation, please do so through the following link:
100 N. Atlantic Ave, Daytona Beach, FL 32118
The FLGA District provides the Ministerial Assistance Program (MAP) through Lutheran Counseling Services.
Appointments can be scheduled prior to the conference. Please call Executive Director Megan Miessler at 321.279.3266 or Dr. Rick Armstrong at 321.695.3773 to schedule an appointment.
Where do ministry workers and their families go when they need help?
The Ministerial Assistance Program (MAP) of Lutheran Counseling Services, Inc. is designed to help clergy, church workers, educators, etc., and their families cope with church life and work challenges and demands. Because of the MAP program, these workers and their families receive up to 3 free counseling sessions; sessions are offered via phone, video, and in-person.
Examples of concerns/problems that are appropriate for intervention by the Ministerial Assistance Program are:
• Assessment, referral, and/or therapy for an individual, marriage, or family concern
• A pastoral care congregational, staff, church school, or church governance issue
• A vocational crisis redirection
• Help with a church worker or parishioner grievance

Renewal in Christ – A Breath of Fresh Air for Your Faith and Life

If you have questions about exhibitors for this conference, please contact Debbie Arrington.
Daytona Beach area restaurants, shops, and attractions are ready to welcome you with special offers and discounts when you participate in the “Show Your Badge” program.
Visit their website for full details.