Mission Haiti walks beside our Haitian brothers and sisters in Christ, invests in them, and celebrates with them as they achieve self-sufficiency and their vision for an abundant life in Christ.
Mission Haiti envisions that all of God’s children in the communities served grow physically strong, spiritually vibrant, emotionally sound, economically whole, and socially rich, so much so that these communities reach out and serve others to grow likewise.
Motivated by God’s grace, Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries seeks to reach out with the love of Christ to support single expectant and postpartum mothers. They do this by providing a safe and stable home. The women have opportunities for growth in their relationship with their Savior, as well as career, parenting, and life skills education.
Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries in a pro-life ministry. They support their mothers whether the mother chooses to place their baby for adoption or to parent. Either way, RLOM will walk alongside them in their journey. Every woman who calls Redeeming Life home will find help, love, and support.

Since its inception in 1987, Lutheran Counseling Services has provided a wide range of confidential professional counseling and consulting services to thousands of Florida residents regardless of race, creed, gender, religion, or national origin. Originally founded by the Lutheran Church and local community leaders, Lutheran Counseling Services has grown into an independent nonprofit providing mental health counseling, training, and consulting services to our local community and the nation.
At Lutheran Counseling Services, you will find a safe, caring environment where licensed mental health professionals provide counseling in a confidential relationship. The services at LCS are available to the entire Central Florida community.
The Stepping Stone Mission, Inc. started in July 2009 in response to God’s call to serve the homeless. They are servants of our Lord Jesus Christ operating through a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization. Stepping Stone is a Recognized Service Organization of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.
The mission of Stepping Stone is to share the good news of Jesus Christ’s mercy and grace for us sinners with our brothers and sisters experiencing homelessness. They provide our brothers and sisters with food and basic necessities and help toward rehabilitation, healing one’s life, and stability.
Lutheran Bible Translators partners with local leaders around the world to launch bible translation movements. They make God’s Word accessible to those who do not yet have it in the language they understand best.
The vision of Lutheran Bible Translators is vibrant Christian communities, deeply rooted in God’s Word, engaging fully in God’s mission in this generation.
Everyone needs a fresh start at some point. Whether it’s a family having a hard time putting food on the table or a refugee trying to find their place in a new world, Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida is available to help.
Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida operates five very different community outreach programs that share an important commonality… the ability to help those facing hardships stabilize their lives and earn a fresh start . LSS provides services for hunger relief, refugees, HIV care, financial & career coaching, and much more!
Inspiritus guides individuals and families on a path from surviving to thriving. They empower those whose lives have been disrupted to discover their strengths and resilience, accompanying them as they grow into vibrant contributors to their community.
At Inspiritus, the goal is to guide individuals and families whose lives have been disrupted on a path from surviving to thriving. Their name is derived from the word inspirit, which means to fill with strength or courage, and that is what Inspiritus does: help individuals and families discover their inner strength and resilience, leading to a more fulfilling life.
Lutheran Services of Florida (LSF) is an organization dedicated to serving the most vulnerable members of their communities by providing life-changing human services to all people regardless of age, background, or belief system.
LSF is dedicated to serving children and families, youth and teens, adults and elderly, refugees and immigrants through various programs ranging from substance abuse and mental health to education. Through their work, LSF helps communities build healthier, happier, and hope-filled futures.
Florida Impact to End Hunger is dedicated to advancing health equity by ending hunger for all Floridians. They mobilize communities to maximize access to federal, state, and local food and nutrition programs, focusing on Florida’s most vulnerable populations.
The programs Florida Impact focuses on are afterschool meals, community eligibility provision, school breakfast, summer breakspot, and community SNAP engagement.