Coming Together as Stewards of God’s Grace, Empowered by the Word!
The column headline proclaims the theme for the rapidly approaching 31st Triennial Florida-Georgia District Convention. It has been an exhausting and humbling process to work toward this event. Without our supportive and knowledgeable staff it would have been nearly impossible. We are indeed blessed as a District.
I also thank each of you, Florida-Georgia members, for your patience and support during this term. Our workers and congregations have been so supportive, even during times of stress and difficulties. So thank you, one and all. Now we look to the future as stewards of God’s grace, empowered by His Word. We have been given so….
Fred E. Lietz Remembered for Pioneering Spirit, Enthusiastic Leadership
Fred E. Lietz, the first executive leader of Church Extension for the Lutheran Church -Missouri Synod and former Florida-Georgia District Director of Finance and Church Extension, died on April 19 at the age of 95.
Family, friends and colleagues filled Ascension Lutheran-Casselberry, FL, for his April 26 memorial service. Rev. Gerald Seaman, Ascension Pastor Emeritus, was the liturgist. Rev. Gerhard Michael Jr., President Emeritus of the Florida-Georgia District, was the preacher….