The days are quickly approaching for the 31st Florida-Georgia District Convention to be held in Lake Mary, FL, from Friday, June 22, through June 24.
While what draws us together is to conduct the business of the Synod, I have always found in this District that this is a wonderful opportunity for worship and fellowship. As brothers and sisters representing the whole District, we gather to focus on our common mission in Jesus Christ. The theme for this convention comes from 1 Peter 4:10: Stewards of God’s Grace, Empowered by the Word.
We have a wonderful line up of guest speakers, including Synodical President, Rev. Matthew C. Harrison, who will preach at the communion service, and Rev. Daniel Preus, who will be our LCMS Representative. Dr. David Benke, President of the Atlantic District, will be our Essayist, and Mrs. Gretchen Jameson will speak on “branding the church in a post-church world.” Dr. Victor Belton, Peace-Decatur, will be our Bible Study Leader, so be sure to bring your Bibles. Rev. Jonathan Frusti, Grace-Winter Haven, will be our Chaplain and Worship Leader. It will be a great time of growing together around our missional emphasis, with a focus on empowering our congregations for the days ahead.
There is a great challenge before us as a Church, not just within The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. The scope of the issue is much larger, impacting almost all of Christendom in the world, but especially in the United States….