Lenten Devotions

Our 2023 FLGA District Lenten Devotions theme is: Daring to Make a Difference…Let’s Talk about Jesus!  May the Lord use these daily devotions from Ash Wednesday through Easter to encourage, engage and equip you to make an eternal difference!

Emergent Leader Training

Emergent Leader is an experience developing your own personal learning approach. Designed for lay leaders and professional church workers and led by a team with experience and proven results in leadership and organizational development within the profit and nonprofit worlds, Emergent Leader is an immersive learning experience.

Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, Columbus, GA

As one of its opportunities for ministry beyond its campus, Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Columbus, GA, participated in a “Faith Fair” at Columbus State University which is less than a mile from the church campus. Dr. Mike Ramey, the Intentional Interim Pastor serving Redeemer, spent a couple of hours on campus introducing himself …

Concordia College New York

Concordia College New York has announced their closing.  Read President Walton’s letter regarding this closure.  See the full announcement below. After much deliberation, the Board of Regents of Concordia College New York has decided that Concordia College will close; classes will cease beginning with the Fall 2021 semester. In addition, the Board agreed to proceed …

Heart for Jesus 2022 – Redeeming Life Ministries

Each year for the last 30+ years, early childhood centers and K-12 schools in the Florida-Georgia District have partnered in supporting a special project we call, “Hearts for Jesus.”  Simply stated, the 60+ Lutheran school ministries in Florida and Georgia, designate the chapel offerings for the month of February (or whatever month you choose), to support …

Not Even One

Sexual abuse of children is a “quiet” epidemic that is only occasionally brought to light when a sensational news story hits the press.