
Living As Christ’s Witnesses So That
All People Come to Faith

“For such a time as this!” God has brought us together
to be His hands and feet in a lost and hurting world.
Join us as a beacon of hope through the Gospel of
Jesus Christ to all people!

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Hearts for Jesus

For over 30 years, early childhood centers and K-12 schools in the Florida-Georgia District have partnered in supporting a special project we call “Hearts for Jesus.”…

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The Florida-Georgia District LCMS, Inc. is an IRS registered 501(c)(3) tax exempt charity. 

A contribution designated (restricted) for a specific purpose, when accepted, will be used only to fund expenses related to that purpose.  Occasionally, we may receive more in contributions for a particular purpose than can be wisely applied to it in the foreseeable future or the purpose may cease to be feasible.  In these situations, the Florida-Georgia District will make reasonable attempts to contact contributors to apply their contribution toward another aspect of ministry that aligns closely to the contributor’s goals and values.  If a contributor cannot be contacted, the Florida-Georgia District will use the gift to meet a similar pressing need that most closely matches the contributor’s original intent.